Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#26- Give teddy bears to children in the Cancer Center

This was the most touching thing yet. I literally cried while leaving the hospital. These kids i gave them to ranged from ages 4-16. Some of them as alive and happy as ever, with smiles on their faces. Some, with no expression in their eyes as they lay in the hospital bed hooked up to machines and IVs. All facing the same problem.. Cancer. As i visited each one I got more and more compelled to do something more. One of the people thats had the biggest impact on my life, used to tell me "Find out what breaks your heart, and go do it" Well, I have found it. I will most definitely be going back.

While I was in there I got to visit my nurses that I see every time i'm in for a diabetes checkup and I told them all what I was doing.  They loved seeing me and hearing about whats going on. After we were done giving teddy bears in the Clinic, we went up to the Pediatric center where the kids having treatment stay the night. I almost cried when I walked in there too. Because I got to visit a kid in the same room I stayed in when I went in 3 years ago and found out I had diabetes. It was all such a great time of being thankful for everything I have, and seeing that these kids are going through so much more than I could dream of... and I want to help. If it didn't require so much Chemistry, maybe i'd be a nurse. But, for now I'm going to find out how I can help in any way possible. 

I wish I had pictures of me and the kids.. But I went by myself on this one so had no one to take them for me.  But, the pictures are in my mind at least.. :)

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