Friday, May 20, 2011

The End of a GREAT Adventure!

Today, the day before I graduate... i successfully finished the 50 things list! This has been an exciting adventure for me! It's done a lot of things, putting me out of my comfort zone, taking risks, and making new friendships. It's  also made it so i like to live a little more random, try new foods, new things, new places... just for the fun of it! I'm excited to make new goals and ideas down the road.. for now i am so thankful for what this has taught me, and the fun i've had along the way. Thank you to EVERY SINGLE PERSON who helped me with this... you have all been wonderful helping me accomplish these things.. lots of you taking risks or getting out of your comfort zone with me! Thank you especially to my family for putting up with my craziness while trying to get these accomplished. Everyone, I truly could not have done it without you! thank you so so much!!!! Thanks for following along with me on my great adventure :)

-Christie Joy

#18- Ride a four-wheeler

Jordin took me riding today! We couldn't get a picture on it together since we were alone... but it was a good time! and a GREAT way to end my 50 things :):)

#29- Sleep outside- under the stars

Lilie and I slept outside last night! The original plan was to sleep in a sleeping bag, in the grass... but due to the fact that I did this last minute and I had sore throat and cold and im supposed to sing tomorrow, we didn't want to make me any more sick. So we bundled up on the porch together :) It was nice waking up to the birds singing and the breeze on my face!

#19- Make a speech in front of a group of people

On Thursday, I made a speech in front of the girls at Huntington Beauty College.. I talked about the difference between guys and girls, how guys view us, and how we help them in the way we act and dress. Seems like the girls enjoyed it and found it very beneficial. I had a couple people ask me further questions and ask to borrow books from me on the subject after. Thank you to the guys that filled out the survey I took to get more info! it was very helpful :]

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

#17- Ride a horse

This one took me a while to get done! Lots of people either got rid of their horses or were busy. But, my neighbors helped me out right before they go out of town.  So this is their horse, Reggie. Since it was so last minute we didn't have time to saddle up and go for a real "ride".. but i got it done and it was fun :)

#20- Share my testimony with someone at school

I did this today :) it was good! haha

Monday, May 16, 2011

#38- Jog a mile on our road

I have decided, even though I really already knew this:
Either running is not my thing... I am just not in shape. Or both.

It was nice though.. I've always lived in the country, so jogging just as spring is arriving, listening to my ipod and smelling the cow poop, may not sound great to you. but besides my burning lungs.... i enjoyed myself :)