Saturday, April 2, 2011

These are the Fifty Things!

-So I have decided to make a list of 50 things to do before I graduate.
-Starting April 1st (50 days before graduation) I will complete these 50 things. Not doing just one per day or in any order at all, just getting them all done.
-Some are things I want to accomplish because they will benefit me or people, some are just VERY random. Some are things I have never done and want to do, some are just little things i want to do again before graduation for fun :)
-I'm going to take pictures along the way of course. I would like to do a blog of it also.. i haven't decided it i'll do a video blog or written blog or whetever but we'll see.
-I have tagged some of you that i think might want to help me out with some of the things. If any of you would like to join me doing any of these things or help me out getting what i need just let me know! ill keep you updated on when each one is gonna be done. :)
-I have marked the ones i might need help with such as getting someone with what i need for it or if anyone wants to donate to it also.
-I think the list gets better as you go so read the whole thing :)

50 things to do before I graduate:
1) Watch Beauty & the Beast, Lion King 2, &  Pirates of the Caribbean.
2) Cut down a tree
3) Wear my hair in pigtails with red lipstick to school
4) Try a new subway sandwich
5) Eat Sushi
6) Take a hike on every trail in our woods
7) Visit each childhood home
8) Visit each childhood church
9) Try out every piece of equipment in the YMCA
10)  Take a best friend out to eat
11)  Hold a baby again
12)  Blow up a balloon
13)  Have a picnic
14)  Write a thank-you to my parents
15)  Walk every isle of Wal-Mart
16)  Buy a gift for a complete stranger
17)  Ride a horse*
18)  Ride a four-wheeler*
19)  Make a speech in front of a group of people
20)  Share my testimony with someone at school
21)  Send a letter to the president
22)  Try baking a cake without a recipe
23)  Volunteer at a LIFE center
24)  Donate toys to a children’s organization*
25)  Tell a cheesy joke to a random stranger
26)  Give teddy bears with “Jesus Loves you” on them to children in the Cancer Center*  
27)  Sponsor a compassion child
28)  Visit a church I’ve never been to, all by myself
29)  Sleep outside- under the stars
30)  Write about my life in less than 100 words
31)  Drive a friend’s car*
32)  Make a PB&J with my eyes closed
33)  Ride in our canoe
34)  Sit in on a college class
35)  Complete a page of random math problems
36)  Watch a TV show I’ve never watched
37)  Wear a basketball and/or cheerleading uniform* 
38)  Jog a mile on our road
39)  Eat a Big Mac
40)  Write a letter to each grandparent
41)  Write a letter to each aunt & uncle
42)  Wear a pair of glasses all day
43)  Run in the sprinkler
44)  Shoot a gun
45)  Play in the rain
46)  Bake a new recipe
47)  Mow the lawn
48)  Play a real game of basketball*
49)  Get up early and make breakfast for the family
50)  Go rock climbing

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